I'm not in business of upsetting people or celebrity gossip so I will not be recounting any details- most of which are too hazy to be anything but false at this point- but I will say how sad about Heath Ledger's death! And with a sweet little girl....
Okay, this is a post that had actually been saved for awhile, so I'm not trying to be grotesque by plastering this quirky pic of him here. I have actually been looking forward to this movie for quite awhile- and it had everything to do with Heath in this Makeup. I think this is such a fantastic look (Make up Head: Peter Robb-King who I think will deserve a gold statue for this one.) The posters, the aesthetic- everything is perfect about this character, of course all brought to life by the brilliant Heath. It's such a far cry from the suave, clean-lined Jack Nicholson version (which was fantastically hilarious at the time.) There's something about this wicked mess of a face... everyone- EVERYONE can't keep from commenting how perfect it is. THAT'S when you know you've hit it- when it provokes such a strong reaction- and the movie isn't even out yet!
The costume designer for this movie is a Ms. Lindy Hemming, who is a 60 year old brit who has already won an Oscar for Topsy-Turvey. She has also designed Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Batman Begins, Four Weddings and a Funeral, the Lara Croft movies, and a handful of the Bond films. Guess she's great at action.
Of course it will be awhile before the movie comes out- next summer supposedly, but it's already had so much buzz I'm sure it'll be fantastic. Some peeps from my generation are comparing it to The Crow (for obvious reasons that have nothing to do with Batman.)
I still can't believe it.